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About Claudia Raymat


 A 25 years old self-taught photographer currently based in Brussels,Belgium

 I was born in Cuba on May 28, 1990. My generation is the one of the so-called Special Period, a very difficult time for Cuba, filled with shortages and hardships. Perhaps growing up in a country of so many nuances creates in one’s soul the need to capture its many shades. I studied painting and piano as a child. I even tried to write poems or stories, but none of these things could capture with precision that which my eyes saw.

 One day in 2010, while Internet surfing, I came upon an image that would change my world—Kevin Carter’s emblematic photo of the hungry child and the vulture. That day, I made up my mind that what I wanted was to take pictures that would touch the hearts of other people like it had touched mine. That was the way I wanted to channel my feelings. Nothing had ever moved me so much. And those were my beginnings in the world of photography.

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